Meet the team: Nono

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Ever wanted to get to know our team a little better? Well, we're starting a new feature on our instagram to showcase all our charming and talented team members.

First up is Nono, one of our premier baristas!

Where are you from originally?
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

What lead you to specialty coffee?
The community! I spent most days sitting around the Foxy courtyard when i first moved to Savannah. Some really important parts of my life sprouted from there

Whats your favorite part of being a Coffee Fox barista?
Making friends and cleaning the espresso machine

Do you enjoy the process of making or the final product more?
Definitely the process of making! I love the rhythm of it on a busy day

When you’re not working as a barista, how do you spend your time?
I’m an illustrator! I love to draw the people and things around me from observation, especially my friends & food. Lately i’ve been learning how to cook via Julia Child and Samin Nosrat. The most time consuming part of it so far has been making my own pasta from scratch. I might also spend a little too much time playing animal crossing...

What talent would you most like to have?
I’ve been working on my french for a long time and i’d love to speak it fluently

Personal motto?
Who needs to think when your feet just go?

What is something no one knows about you or your secret talent?
I think i’m an expert at making spotify playlists

What are you reading, watching or listening to lately?
reading: Salt Fat Acid Heat (aka the bible)
watching: paint dry
listening to: female vocalist classic soul/house music, learn french with paul nobel for beginners, and beastie boys

Lastly, How do you take your coffee?
At home I make my coffee in a big moka pot. Lately I drink it with a little cream, sometimes sugar

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